The New Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G, A Telephoto Zoom Lens for Digital SLR Cameras
The New Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G, A Telephoto Zoom Lens for Digital SLR Cameras
If you are thinking about buying a Nikkor lens for your Nikon camera, consider the new Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G ED. This is the latest Nikon lens for the digital SLR camera and is a great investment for anyone who needs the ultimate telephoto zoom.
If you are not familiar with the focal length, the first thing you need to do is understand that there are three different focal lengths in a zoom lens. In this case, the Nikkor 58mm f/1.4g uses the same optical design as the Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED. The difference is in the image circle; the Nikkor lens is larger and for those who are very close to the subject, this is the best choice.
For those who are looking for a long telephoto zoom lens, the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G may be your best choice since it has the same image circle as the original 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED. With a large image circle, the 57mm f/1.2G lens does not have as much depth of field, but when you are a couple of inches from the subject, the Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G is amazing.
The amount of lens distortion that you see when shooting in an area with lots of photo opportunities is going to depend on your camera, the amount of distortion in the lens and the subject you are trying to capture. Most camera lenses will show some amount of distortion but with the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G, there is not much distortion. If you have ever tried to take a picture in a small area, you know what I am talking about.
For the majority of photographers, the original 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED is their favorite lens. However, with the smaller image circle, it is difficult to use in a "wide angle" position. Many cameras today have an extremely wide angle to choose from, and the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G will work in most of them.
When used in an "extended range" position, the Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G is a big lens. For those who are shooting landscapes, this is a good lens to use. It gives a lot of depth of field but is difficult to use at close range.
The Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G is available in three different focal lengths; 28mm, 35mm and 58mm. For those who shoot mostly with the wider focal lengths, the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G is a great choice because it covers most of the focal lengths. The wide angles are available with every camera, so if you have one that has all the angles, go for it.
For those who are close to the subject, the longer image circle will give you more options for your shots. If you like the optical quality, then you will love the f/1.4 aperture that the Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G offers.
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