2d Ball Head - Why Should You Use a 2d Ball Head For Your Digital Camera?
2d Ball Head - Why Should You Use a 2d Ball Head For Your Digital Camera?
Durable 2d ball head with your favorite tripod is probably one of the most useful gear available. If you're not familiar with this, you really ought to know exactly what a tripod ball is first. Basically, a tripod ball (or ball head as it's sometimes called) is an essential accessory which is particularly useful for working in tight spaces. I use these balls in my professional photography workshops, and they're an absolute necessity for taking short, effective images.
Why would you want a 2d ball head? Well, first things first - how useful is a 2d ball head when you're not working with a tripod? Imagine if you can just swing your arm and the camera was mounted on your elbow... wow, that's not really practical is it? If you're like me and you often shoot from a somewhat unstable handheld camera, then you'll really appreciate the usefulness of a 2d ball head.
So, what type of camera equipment does a 2d ball head go with? Most professional and advanced photographic cameras these days have a quick release plate that locks the lens in place, and the aperture blades come with some sort of clamp to prevent getting the camera in the way while you're focusing. Some cameras actually have a built-in 2d ball head clamp; this is the kind you'll usually see on higher end equipment like the Canon Rebel line. I prefer to use an inexpensive handheld clamp from my own photography supplies in order to keep my camera stable while I'm focusing.
Why a 2d tripod ball head anyway? The reason why you need to have one is because you're going to be working more tightly and precisely with your 2d tripod. When you're working with a rigid ball, it tends to be a lot easier to make fine adjustments on the fly, especially when it's windy outside or if your subject has a tendency to get away from you. But with a flexible ball, it's harder to work fine adjustments without touching the tripod itself. In fact, in some cases it can be downright impossible!
The other reason to use a 2d tripod ball head is because it makes carrying your camera a lot easier. Even when you've got the most sturdy tripod around, there will still be times when you're going to be carrying it for a long period of time. It can be very difficult to find a nice, comfortable carrying case that still enables you to carry your camera and have your hands free for a few moments. With a quick release plate on your 2d tripod, all you need to do is pop it onto the grip, lift it up to your eye (as high as you can comfortably do it without your hands getting winded or tripping), and you have your camera safely in place.
And last, but certainly not least, there's the convenience of having a quick release plate. Most 2d tripods, especially those made by 2d rr s Inc, come with a quick release plate. But not all of them. If yours doesn't have one, it's definitely worth purchasing one - it's more than worth the little extra investment to have this handy tool.
Tags:durable 2d tripod panoramic head | durable 2d panning head